Monday, August 5, 2013

Couch to 5K

Well so far blog has been a bust.  My daughter lives with me and she decided she wanted to learn to cook so I gladly moved over and let her.  Then I volunteered for a tour in Afghanistan and haven't posted in over a year.  Oh well, it is time to jump back on the wagon and give it a go.

I have signed up to go on a Disney cruise with my kids in September and I wanted to lose 30 lbs.  Of course I haven't done anything to make that happen so far. We started a food plan but slowly gave up and I have put on 5 lbs.  Wrong way.  My eating is not that bad really.  Yeah right, you say.  I would be okay if I would exercise and I think that would be the better place to start for me.  Soooo!  I have selected to run the Zombie Run in Indianapolis on Oct 6th.  That means I have to get into shape.

I have selected the couch to 5K program to get into shape for the run.  It is a great starting place and their are several podcasts to listen to help.  I have selected the C25K podcasts found on iTunes.  The narrator has a great English accent and the music is good.

Week 1 workout 1 - walk 5 minutes - 7 cycles of run 60 seconds/walk 90 seconds - run 60 seconds - walk 5 minutes.  30 minutes later you have one pooped puppy with a sore left thigh and I have puffed like a train several times.  I started out walking at 3 mph and running at 4.2 mph.

Well that is enough for today and we workout again Wednesday.  Have a great day!